Friday, January 29, 2016

Determination of alkalinity


AIM:- To determine the alkalinity of the given sample water.

APPARATUS:- PH meter and Glassware.

THEORY:- The alkalinity of a water sample is its capacity to neutralize acids. Alkalinity is mainly due to presence of carbonate, bicarbonate, hydroxides and less frequently, borate’s, silicates and phosphates. It is expressed in mg/l of calcium carbonates. Two types of alkalinities are generally calculated, namely, phenolphthalein alkalinity and methyorange alkalinity. Based on these two different forms of alkalinities can be estimated. Alkalinity measurements are made by titrating the sample water with an acid and determining the hydrogen equivalent. Hydrogen ions from the acid reacts with the alkalinity according to the following equations.

                        H+OH- ó H2O
                        Co3- + H+ ó H Co3-
                        HCo3- + H+ ó H2Co3-

            If acid is added slowly to the water and the PH it recorded for each addition, a titration curve is obtained as shown below.

The significant aspects of the curve are the inflection points that occur at approximately PH8.3 and PH4.5. At PH8.3, all hydroxides and half of the carbonates are neutralized. At PH4.5, remaining half of the carbonates and bicarbonates are neutralized. Thus the amount of acid required to titrate a sample to PH4.5 is equivalent to the total alkalinity of the sample water.

RELEVANCE:- Alkalinity plays a very important role in chemical coagulation and in biological waste treatment processes, especially in aerobic digestion as this provides buffering systems. Excess alkalinity imparts a bitter taste to waste. Alkalinity is an important parameter in evaluating the optimum coagulant dosage. The permissible limit of carbonate alkalinity in domestic water supplies is 120ppm.


i)                    Standard sulphuric acid (0.02N)
ii)                  Phenolphthale in indicator
iii)                Methyl orange indicator
iv)                Sodium carbonate solution.


  1. Standardization of H2So4 (titrant) by potentremetric titration:- Take 40ml Naco3 solution and add 100ml distilled water. Titrate with H2So4 till PH of 1-2 is reached. Add acid in amounts of 0.5ml and note down the corresponding PH. Plot a graph between volume of H2So4 and the corresponding PH. From the graph, determine the volume off H2So4 at a PH of 4.5. calculate the normality of the acid using the formula.

N =       53*C


A = Volume of Na2co3 (40ml)
B = Grams of Na2co3 in 1 lit. = 2.5 grams
C = Volume of H2So4 for a PH of 4.5

Adjust the normality of H2So4 to 0.02N using the relation

                        N1V1 = N2V2

  1. Determination of ‘P’ and ‘T’ alkalinity:- Take 25ml sample water and make it to 50ml using distilled water. Add 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator and titrate with 0.02N H2S04 till pink colour disappear. Note down the volume of H2So4 as V1. To the same sample add 2 drops of methylorance indicator and titrate with H2So4 till colour changes to pinkish yellow. Note down the total volume of acid consumed as V.


Burette Readings
Vol. of Titrant used

Volume of acid


.Take 50 ml of sample water in a conical flask and add 3 to 4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator, color changes to pink.
.Titrate against 0.02 N HCL till colorless as end point.
. Note down the volume consumed from burette to measure phenolphthalein alkalinity. .To the same sample add 3-4 drops of methyl orange indicator and color changes to   orange.
. Titrate it against 0.02 N HCL till solution changes to pink as end point.
. Note down the volume consumed from burette to measure methyl orange alkalinity.
. The sum of phenolphthalein alkalinity and methyl orange alkalinity gives total alkalinity.
Calculations:- Total alkalinity =        V1 x 1000         +               V2  x 1000 
                                                       ml of water sample            ml of water sample

 where V1 and V2 are volume consumed from burette for phenolphthalein alkalinity and  methyl orange alkalinity.

CALCULATIONS for First Procedure:-

Phenolpthalein Alkalinity “P”  =     V1*N*50000
as mg/l caco3                                  ml of sample

Total alkalinity “T” as mg/lit as caco3 = V*N*50000
                                         ml of sample

Calculate the alkalinity due to various constituents using the table given below.

Hydroxide Alkalinity
Carbonate Alkalinity
Bicarbonate Alkalinity

If P=0

If P=T/2

If P<T/2

If P>T/2

If P=T




(2P – T)





2(T – P)


Total Alkalinity T

T – 2P

T – 2P




GRAPH:- Plot a graph taking PH value on Y-axis and corresponding volume of acid on X-axis. From the graph obtain the volume of acid corresponding to a PH of 4.5. Also mark the inflection points (i.e. point on the graph corresponding to PH 8.3 and 4.5)


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